Monday, August 9, 2010

Tin Man

So I was having lunch with my friend Shanna the other day and The sci-fi Miniseries Tin Man came up and it got me thinking i should add pictures from it to the blog. anyway to the right of me is this wonderful picture of Neal Mcdonough (or Nazi Boy as my friend Shanna calls him...LOL) plays the Tin Man of Tin Man. any way he's wearing a western marshals outfit with a steam-punk sort of feel to. notice how the dull colors bring out the brightness in his eyes and hair.

Above is a picture of the outfit Alan Cumming wore. love the raggedy gypsy feel to it.

also I should mention that this creep guy here who plays the drug addict wizard is the famous Richard Dreyfus

Thursday, July 29, 2010

the Men of Sherlock Holmes

Hello all and welcome back above I have a little eye candy for those of you who love Robert Downey Jr. and love him naked and tied up even better *Giggle*

The Wolfman 2010

Hello and welcome back. to the right I have the only picture i was able to find of Anthony Hopkins in this movie were he didn't look like a hot mess. I love the Victorian period. back then people knew how to throw a funeral.

I wasn't into Benico Del Toro before this film but its like my mother used to say. Take a caveman and put him in a suite and you'll make a gentlemen of him.

I love the chemistry between the two of them its like Heathcliff and Kathy in withering heights

I hate to say this but Hugo weaving looks good with mutton chops

First Post

Hello welcome to my blog. if you are like me and love seeing your favorite movie stars dressed up to the nines in Period clothing then you will love my blog which is filled with handsome men and lovely ladies in elegant dresses of the period. lets start off this post with a recent picture i found of Daniel Craig in his upcoming movie cowboys and aliens.